In the whimsical heart of a lush, enchanting forest, a lively wedding celebration unfolds in a most unexpected manner. The foreground is dominated by an oversized wedding cake perched precariously on a large, moss-covered tree stump. This cake is a masterpiece of forest-inspired creativity, with tiers adorned in emerald green frosting that mimic the look of verdant foliage. Small edible creatures, like chocolate squirrels and marzipan birds, scamper playfully around the cake. Above the cake, suspended from the branches of two intertwined trees, is a charmingly rustic banner made from slices of wood, each slice bearing a letter, spelling out "Ben & Lily" in bark-colored script. On either side of the cake, tall forest ferns fan out, creating a natural frame. Behind this sweet centerpiece, the forest comes alive with a gathering of woodland creatures attending the wedding, each sporting a festive accessory: a bow tie-wearing fox, a rabbit in a tiny top hat, and a raccoon playfully holding a bouquet of wildflowers. The canopy of leaves overhead is dappled with sunlight, casting a mosaic of shadows on the forest floor. Scattered among the trees are quirky details like tiny string lights twinkling from branches, and a squirrel DJ spinning a record made of a giant acorn cap. The forest echoes with the joyous, silent melody of this unique celebration.
Generated with these themes: Forest.
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