In the whimsical, abstract world of Lego racing, the scene unfolds at a vibrant and bustling racing track, echoing the geometric inspirations of Mondrian with bold, colorful lines crisscrossing the landscape. In the sky, reminiscent of Kandinsky’s abstract shapes, a Lego girl with long blond hair pilots a Lego plane. Her plane, a kaleidoscope of colors like Pollock’s drips, spells out "Zajawa to podstawa" in a trail of fluffy, white cloud letters, meandering through the sky like a playful Twombly scribble. Below, on the track's curvy, dynamic circuit, a Lego boy in a sleek, fire-red Ferrari zips past, the car's design a nod to de Kooning's expressive energy. Nearby, a Lego girl is caught mid-flip on her skateboard, her path traced in bright, twisting lines that might make Miró proud. Further along, a Lego boy on a motocross bike leaps from a Rothko-like layered ramp, his motion frozen against a backdrop of abstracted crowd blocks, suggesting Richter’s complex layers. In the air above, a parachuting Lego boy floats gently down, his parachute a mosaic of shapes, like a Martin grid brought to life. At the edge of the track, another Lego boy powers a go-kart, his speed echoing Malevich's dynamic Suprematist forms. The entire scene bursts with primary colors and bold shapes, a joyous thank-you tapestry of racing excitement, unified under the celebratory message for "Zajawa to podstawa."
Generated with these themes: We are at the racing track , Lego girl with long blond hair in Lego plane , Lego boy in racing Ferrari , Other Lego girl is skateboarding , Other Lego boy ride motocross, Other Lego boy jumps parachute , and Other Lego boy is in gokart .
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