The scene unfolds in a sunlit nursery, where a cozy woven basket, resembling a baby bassinet, rests gently on a pastel-colored, fluffy rug. Inside the basket, a sweet, plump baby, wide-eyed with curiosity, is nestled comfortably among soft, mint-green blankets. Next to the basket, an intricately designed teapot sits on a small wooden table, with steam delicately rising from its spout, creating whimsical shapes in the air. The teapot is painted with charming images of woodland creatures enjoying a tea party amidst leaves and marbles. A large, clear glass jar filled with an array of colorful marbles is perched on a shelf above the basket, catching the sunlight and casting playful rainbow patterns on the walls. Above the shelf, a mobile made of tiny woven baskets and marbles dangles gently, swaying with the lightest breeze. In the background, the name "Jo" is whimsically spelled out with marbles of various hues, arranged in a flowing script across the wall. Each letter is surrounded by delicate painted tea leaves, giving the impression that the letters are emerging from a bountiful tea garden. The entire room is a celebration of new beginnings, nature's bounty, and the simple joys of life, all harmoniously woven together.
Generated with these themes: Herbal tea, Marbles, and Woven baskets.
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