In a fantastical, snowy landscape where Middle-earth meets a galaxy far, far away, the scene is set beneath a vibrant night sky filled with stars and the glow of distant planets. In the foreground, an Ewok, clad in a festive Santa hat, is cheerfully decorating a Christmas tree with tiny lightsabers and One Rings as ornaments. Nearby, a Hobbit hole is visible, its round door ajar with a warm, inviting glow emanating from within, suggesting a merry gathering. To the left, Gandalf, dressed in a cloak shimmering with the colors of the aurora, is conjuring a spell that forms the words "MC" in a swirling, golden script across the sky, sparkling like a constellation. To the right, R2-D2 stands beside a small pile of beautifully wrapped presents, each one tied with a ribbon and topped with a sprig of holly. In the background, the silhouette of the Millennium Falcon is perched atop a hill, next to which Legolas and Chewbacca are arm in arm, raising goblets in holiday cheer. Above all, the serene figure of Yoda, wearing a tiny wreath as a crown, meditates atop a snow-covered tree branch, adding a touch of wisdom to this surreal winter wonderland. The scene is encapsulated with intricate detailing reminiscent of Beatrix Potter's quaint yet lively compositions and the imaginative whimsy found in Maurice Sendak's work.
Generated with these themes: Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.
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