A festive scene unfolds with a jovial, rounded Santa Claus at the center, his suit a classic cherry red with fluffy white trim and a broad black belt. His beard cascades like a snowy waterfall, and his rosy cheeks contrast with his cherry-red nose. Beside Santa stands a cheerful snowman, a carrot nose protruding from a snowball face, coal buttons lining its stout body, and a top hat perched jauntily atop its head. Branch arms stretch out, one holding a candy cane. To Santa's other side prances a reindeer, antlers adorned with small hanging ornaments and a bright red nose that seems to light the way. Around them, snow blankets the ground evenly, with detailed snowflakes gently falling around the characters. Colorful wrapped gifts are scattered at Santa's feet, showcasing a variety of sizes and patterns on the wrapping paper, with shiny bows adding a touch of sparkle.
Generated with these themes: santa clause , deer , snowman , .
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