In the foreground of the card, nestled amidst a snowy landscape, lies a colossal meteor, its rocky surface embedded with shimmering crystals that glisten in the light. The meteor's cratered edges give it a texture reminiscent of aged, intricate lacework, echoing the delicate linework of Aubrey Beardsley. Nearby, a towering rocket adorned in festive flair stands proud. Its metallic exterior gleams with strings of twinkling multicolored lights that spiral up towards the tip. Atop the rocket, a plump, velvety Santa hat perches jauntily, its fluffy white brim catching the light. From the rocket's base, a dramatic burst of bright orange and red flames spews forth, mingling with clouds of thick, billowing smoke that swirl around its base like a stormy sea painted by Gustave Doré. High above, in the midnight sky, another meteor can be seen streaking across the heavens, its fiery tail leaving a trail of sparkling stardust in its wake. Tiny woodland creatures, reminiscent of Beatrix Potter’s creations, are gathered around the base of the rocket, their eyes wide with wonder, their bodies outlined in the shadowy style of Edward Gorey. Pine trees, frosted with snow, frame the scene, their branches reaching out as if to touch the celestial spectacle. A distant silhouette of a quaint village, akin to a Norman Rockwell painting, rests peacefully on the horizon, completing this surreal Christmas tableau.
Generated with these themes: There was a huge meteor in the sky, there is one on the ground. A rocket wearing a Santa hat, the rocket is very big, there are some lights on the rocket, the rocket spewed out a lot of flames and smoke.
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