The scene unfolds in a bustling, snowy village square, vibrantly alive with Christmas festivities. In the foreground, a jovial yet perplexed polar bear, wearing an oversized Santa hat, is comically entangled in a heap of colorful tinsel and baubles. To its right, a mischievous group of elves is engaged in a playful snowball fight, their vivid red and green outfits standing out against the white snow. A towering Christmas tree, lavishly adorned with twinkling lights and oversized ornaments, looms in the background. Suspended from its highest branch is a banner made from strings of popcorn and cranberries that spell out "C'est moi mon amie. Bisous" in elegant cursive. At the base of the tree, a lively scene unfolds with children joyfully ice skating on a frozen pond, their scarves trailing behind them. An inflatable reindeer, comically overinflated to the point of resembling a blimp, is anchored beside the skating pond, its antlers decked with blinking fairy lights. Overhead, a sleigh drawn by four jet-powered penguins, wearing goggles and festive scarves, zips across the crisp blue sky, leaving behind a fluffy trail of snowflakes that softly fall on the scene below.
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