In a bustling snowy landscape of St. James' Park, a lively scene unfolds where the classic black and white stripes of Newcastle FC take center stage. Santa Claus, decked out in a Newcastle jersey instead of his traditional red coat, is caught mid-kick, enthusiastically booting a black and white football. His red cap is swapped for a Newcastle beanie, complete with a pom-pom. Next to him, a reindeer with a distinctive nose painted like a black and white football is balancing a ball on its antlers. In the stands, penguins fill the seats, each wearing tiny Newcastle scarves and waving miniature flags in support. One penguin, in the spirit of Charles Schulz's Snoopy, sits atop a snow mound, acting as a referee, blowing a whistle made of candy canes. The backdrop shows a monochromatic skyline of Newcastle, with the Tyne Bridge visible, blanketed in snow. Above them, a banner strung between two snowy goalposts reads, "Merry Toon-mas!" in bold letters. The scene is framed in a comic-strip style, with clear, bold outlines reminiscent of Bill Watterson's work, capturing the whimsical chaos of a football match played on Christmas Eve, where even the North Pole’s finest can’t resist joining the Toon Army.
Generated with these themes: Newcastle fc, Reindeer, Santa black and white, Football, Newcastle, and Penquin.
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