The scene is set in a bustling superhero-themed birthday party, nestled in a vibrant cityscape backdrop. At the center is a massive birthday cake towering over the scene, decorated with edible replicas of Iron Man's arc reactor, Thor's hammer, and Captain America's shield. On top of the cake, a miniature Flash is seen running laps, leaving a trail of yellow lightning behind him, spelling out "Happy Birthday Kanu!" in the air. Surrounding the cake are life-sized renditions of iconic superheroes, each engaged in a birthday-themed activity. Hulk, wearing a party hat and holding a slice of cake that looks hilariously tiny in his massive hand, stands next to a banner strung between two skyscrapers. The banner reads "Kanu's Super Birthday Bash!" in bold letters, with Spiderman dangling upside down from the banner, playfully shooting confetti webs. Deadpool, in true chaotic style, is juggling a mix of balloon animals and tacos, adding a touch of humor to the scene. Nearby, Black Panther gracefully strikes a pose, holding a gift wrapped in Wakandan patterns. Wolverine, with a rare smile, uses his adamantium claws to slice another piece of cake, while Thanos, wearing an oversized party hat that covers his Infinity Gauntlet, holds a balloon bouquet in the shape of various Infinity Stones. Captain America, being the gentleman he is, is shaking Kanu's hand, passing on a shield-shaped card that reads "You're Our Hero, Kanu!" The entire party scene is sprinkled with balloons, streamers, and a dazzling array of superhero-themed decor, making it a truly epic birthday celebration for Kanu.
Generated with these themes: Iron man, thor, flash, hulk, spiderman, deadpool, black panther, captain american, woolverine, thanos wishing Kanu happy birthday, Single characters, Characters have same proportions, Name on cake, and Name on banner.
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