The scene unfolds against a backdrop saturated with the electric glow of neon pink and neon blue, mimicking the awe-inspiring beauty of an otherworldly nebula dotted with bright stars that mimic a sprinkle of cosmic glitter across the vastness of space. Taking center stage against this psychedelic canvas is a spaceship, its contours and panels gleaming with metallic hues that catch the ambient light. Its design smartly incorporates neon detailing that gives it an edge of futurism, with the number '10' etched onto the side, illuminating the setting with its neon pink glow — a testament to the celebratory milestone. A green alien with an endearing smile greets the scene from within the spacecraft, offering a wave that beckons a sense of welcome and fun. In close proximity, a space-clad figure, the astronaut, hovers adorned in a pristine white suit accentuated with neon details. This character adds to the festivity by holding a sign that boldly states 'Feliz Aniversário' in oversized futuristic fonts, the words shimmering in a livid neon blue that contrasts harmoniously with the warmth of the scene's pink elements.
Generated with these themes: Cenário: Um fundo vibrante de tons rosa neon e azul neon, com nebulosas e estrelas brilhantes espalhadas por todo o espaço. Nave Espacial: Uma nave em tons metálicos com detalhes neon, com o número "10" em destaque na lateral, brilhando em rosa neon. Alienígena: Um alienígena verde e simpático, acenando da cabine da nave. Astronauta: Flutuando no espaço com um traje branco com detalhes em neon, segurando uma faixa que diz "Feliz Aniversário" em letras grandes e futurísticas, brilhando em azul neon..
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