A whimsical cartoon birthday scene unfolds in the heart of Birmingham, where the iconic Rotunda building is reimagined as an enormous birthday cake, complete with colorful frosting and candles. The streets below bustle with cartoon-style cats, each sporting playful tiger patterns in a range of vibrant oranges, blacks, and whites. At the cake's base, a jovial group of cats don party hats, while the one in the center wears a sash that reads 'Happy Birthday.' Balloons float nearby, each boasting a pattern that reflects Birmingham's city skyline. The cake itself is whimsically disproportionate, towering with exaggerated tiers and a comical lean. Confetti dots the sky, and a banner draped across the top of the Rotunda-cake heralds the celebration with 'Happy Birthday' written in bold, cartoonish letters.
Generated with these themes: Cats, tiger pattern and Birmingham.
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