In the bustling streets of a vibrant comic universe, it's a bright and sunny day with towering skyscrapers lining the horizon. The scene opens with Iron Man soaring through the sky, his suit gleaming, as he uses his repulsor beams to sky-write "Happy Birthday, Kanu!" against a backdrop of fluffy clouds. Below, Thor stands proudly on the street, holding his mighty hammer Mjolnir, which is transformed into a party horn, blowing confetti that showers the scene. Flash, with his trademark lightning speed, zips around the crowd, setting up party decorations faster than the eye can see. Hulk, decked out in an apron that reads "Hulk Smash Cake!", is icing a massive multi-layer birthday cake, which is topped with sparklers that form the words "Kanu".
Spiderman hangs upside down from a nearby lamppost, using his web to dangle a "Happy Birthday Kanu" banner across the street. Deadpool, in his typical cheeky style, stands next to Spiderman, trying to put a birthday hat on a very unimpressed Black Panther, who stands regally beside a vibranium shield cake stand, nodding in silent approval of the festivities. Meanwhile, Captain America is at the forefront, leading the parade with his shield transformed into a makeshift drum, thumping out a merry birthday tune.
Wolverine, in his leather jacket, uses his claws to carve Kanu's name into a large block of ice, creating a glistening ice sculpture centerpiece. And looming not too far away, in a surprisingly friendly gesture, Thanos snaps his fingers to create a spectacular fireworks display that illuminates the entire scene, painting the sky with vibrant colors that spell out, "Happy Birthday, Kanu." This ensemble of heroes gathers in joyful camaraderie, creating a truly unforgettable superhero birthday celebration for Kanu.
Generated with these themes: Iron man, thor, flash, hulk, spiderman, deadpool, black panther, captain american, woolverine, thanos wishing Kanu happy birthday, Happy birthday kanu banner, Happy birthday kanu cake, and No duplicate characters.
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