In the center of the design, Kurt is humorously depicted celebrating his 29th birthday in a bustling cinema lobby, donning an oversized Arsenal football jersey. Around him, a quirky chaos unfolds. A whimsically large soccer ball serves as a table for an array of snacks, including a pile of crispy bacon styled like a birthday cake, complete with festive candles. Perched on top of the soccer ball, a colossal slushie cup and a giant box of popcorn are cheekily engaging in a playful 'cheers'. The slushie's dome lid is adorned with the Arsenal badge, and the popcorn box is whimsically overflowing, with each kernel having a small, comical face drawn on it, expressing its shock at the scene's playful absurdity. As a symbol of love, heart-shaped balloons float above, tethered to the snacks with streamers. The entire scene is framed by stylized film reels and cinema curtains to emphasize the cinematic theme.
Generated with these themes: Kurt, Arsenal badge , Popcorn, Bacon, Slushie, 29, Love, Soccer ball, and Cinema.
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