The scene unfolds in the cosmic vastness of space, where a vibrant birthday celebration is taking place on an asteroid shaped like the number "70." In the foreground, an animated astronaut, donning a retro-styled spacesuit with intricate golden and silver details reminiscent of a steampunk aesthetic, is joyfully planting a bright, oversized birthday flag into the rocky surface. This flag features the words "Happy Birthday, Dad!" in bold, whimsical lettering that wraps around the asteroid, its vibrant colors contrasting with the deep black of space. Surrounding the asteroid are clusters of glowing space balloons tethered by starry threads, each balloon shimmering with shades of nebula blue, comet tail pink, and planetary green. The balloons are formed in the shapes of classic birthday symbols: a cake with candles, a cluster of stars, and a rocket ship. Far in the background, the planets align in a humorous configuration that spells out "D-A-D" with Saturn's rings forming the perfect "D" and Jupiter's swirling storms contributing to the letter forms. Comets streak by, leaving trails that look like celebratory streamers, and a cosmic banner arcs across the star-studded sky, composed of twinkling stars and space dust, spelling out "70!" in a jubilant sparkle. In the bottom right corner, a tiny, mischievous alien peeks from behind a floating moon, holding a card that reads, "Earthlings Age Well!" This scene, rich with detail and cosmic whimsy, creates a playful and out-of-this-world birthday greeting for Dad.
Generated with these themes: Astronaut, 70, and Space.
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