In the vast, starry expanse of space, a humorous and vibrant birthday scene unfolds aboard the futuristic Space Party Cruiser. The cruiser itself is a hodgepodge of quirky technology, with colorful neon lights and retro-futuristic designs reminiscent of 80s sci-fi. Picture Ellen Ripley, dressed in her iconic flight suit with a playful party hat perched on her head, balancing a cake iced in bright purple with neon green "Happy Birthday" letters, while maneuvering in zero gravity. Beside her stands Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Terminator, wearing a tuxedo jacket over his usual ensemble, holding a bouquet of lively, sentient alien plants that gently hum with joy as their bioluminescent petals pulse in the rhythm of a distant cosmic tune.
The cake is topped with candles shaped like mini spaceships, and orbiting them are small edible figures of the party guests. A friendly Xenomorph is playfully wrapped in pink, glittery streamers, holding up a party balloon shaped like Neptune, complete with its rings twirling in the air. Floating nearby is a holographic projection of Neptune itself, rotating slowly, providing a majestic backdrop for the intergalactic celebration.
In a nod to classic comics, the characters are rendered with bold lines and exaggerated expressions. Ripley's eyebrows arch with amused determination as she expertly keeps the cake steady. Schwarzenegger's grin is as gleaming as the Terminator's endoskeleton underneath, and the Xenomorph's toothy grin looks oddly charming. Interwoven in the scene are comic speech bubbles, with Ripley saying, "Who knew space had room for cake?" and Schwarzenegger quipping, "I'll be back... for seconds!"
All around, love is in the air, depicted through heart-shaped constellations dotting the cosmic scenery and a whimsical cupid comet shooting across the dark void, trailing starry heart dust. The entire card captures a playful melding of sci-fi and celebration, all set against the cosmic majesty of space, celebrating an unforgettable birthday party in true extraterrestrial fashion.
Generated with these themes: Xenomorph Alien and Terminator and Ellen Ripley and Arnold Schwarzenegger giving birthday cake for female birthday celebration in space, Plants, Neptune, and Love.
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