In the vast expanse of space, the scene unfolds on a whimsical, colorful space station orbiting Neptune, adorned with lush, otherworldly plants that drape over the metal railings and spiral up the pillars, blooming with vibrant hues of neon blue and green. At the center of this bustling hub is a long, gravity-defying birthday table shaped like a crescent moon, hovering gently. On one side, Arnold Schwarzenegger, in full Terminator mode, stands with a broad, metallic grin, holding a levitating birthday cake, complete with flickering zero-gravity candles. Opposite him, Ellen Ripley, clad in her iconic space suit, mischievously tops the cake with a tiny Xenomorph figure made of sugar, its tail curled around the base. Between them, a large, heart-shaped window reveals the mesmerizing gas clouds of Neptune swirling in the distance, adding a touch of cosmic romance to the celebration. Scattered around the table are space party decorations: floating balloons shaped like rockets and planets, along with confetti that sparkles in the artificial light. The Xenomorph, surprisingly tamed, is perched playfully atop a towering stack of presents wrapped in shimmering, metallic paper, while a plush, animated Venus flytrap waves cheerfully from the sidelines, holding a "Happy Birthday!" sign in its leafy grasp. As the scene captures the essence of a birthday bash with a twist of interstellar fun, it's clear that in this corner of the universe, love, humor, and friendship transcend even the most unexpected encounters.
Generated with these themes: Xenomorph Alien and Terminator and Ellen Ripley and Arnold Schwarzenegger giving birthday cake for female birthday celebration in space, Plants, Neptune, and Love.
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