The scene is set in a bustling galactic birthday party held aboard the Millennium Falcon. The iconic spaceship is parked in a field of stars, surrounded by other peculiar space vessels, as if in a cosmic birthday parade. Inside the Falcon, Chewbacca is wearing a festive party hat slightly askew on his furry head, holding a tray of glowing blue cupcakes. In the background, R2-D2 is using one of his appendages to light a massive birthday cake with miniature lightsaber candles. The cake is decorated with edible figures of Yoda and Darth Vader engaged in a playful duel, their lightsabers alight with tiny LEDs. Across the top of the cake, in bold, colorful letters made from icing, is the message: "Happy Birthday, Jimmy!" Meanwhile, in the cockpit, Han Solo is peering out into the starry expanse with a bemused expression, while Luke Skywalker, dressed in his X-Wing pilot suit, is busy inflating balloon versions of TIE fighters and X-Wings that float weightlessly around the room. A holographic banner hangs from the Falcon's ceiling, shimmering with the words "May the Fun Be With You, Jimmy!" In the background, the starry sky outside the cockpit windows glows with a constellation that subtly spells out "Jimmy" among the twinkling stars.
Generated with these themes: Star wars.
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