In this whimsical cartoon scene, imagine a bustling Christmas-Birthday hybrid village blanketed with a fluffy layer of snow. At the center stands a towering Christmas tree, festooned with birthday candles instead of traditional baubles, and a star-shaped birthday hat perched at the top. Santa Claus, sporting a Hawaiian shirt over his red suit, is busy trying to balance a giant, polka-dotted birthday cake while attempting to slide down the tree as if it were a chimney. Beside him, a snowman grins broadly, wearing a party horn in his mouth and a string of colorful, oversized beads like a party necklace. On the ground below, a group of playful penguins, wearing Santa hats and holding snowball-shaped balloons, are attempting to sing 'Happy Birthday' in their own chirpy way. To the left, a small wooden sign, whimsically skewed, reads "Merry Birthmas" in bold, curly lettering. The backdrop is a sky full of fluffy cartoon clouds and a bright sun with a Santa hat, shining down warmly, suggesting a blend of seasons. This quirky scene combines elements of all your themes into a playful, visually rich tableau that invites the viewer to explore every humorous detail.
Generated with these themes: Merry Christmas, Happy Birthday, Christmas Tree, Santa, Snow, and Snowman.
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