The scene unfolds in a vibrant garden, bursting with life and color, under a clear blue sky. At the heart of the garden, an older woman with short, light, silver-gray hair, wearing a wide-brimmed straw hat adorned with a sunflower, is kneeling by a well-tended flower bed. She is wearing a lively patterned gardening apron over her attire, with pockets filled with gardening tools and a pair of pruning shears in her hand. Her cheerful face is lightly dusted with soil, highlighting her dedication to her plants. Next to her is a small rustic wooden table, adorned with a chilled bottle of white wine, a half-filled glass glistening in the sunlight, and a trowel resting beside it, hinting at a delightful break between gardening tasks. Sprinkled across the garden are cleverly hidden wine bottles, each repurposed as whimsical plant markers, their labels elegantly handwritten with plant names. In the sky, fluffy white clouds have playfully arranged themselves to spell out "Happy Birthday Mary" in bold, cumulus cloud letters. Among the vibrant flowers, a colony of butterflies flutters gracefully, as if dancing to celebrate Mary’s special day. The entire scene is bathed in the golden glow of a late afternoon sun, casting a warm, inviting light over this picturesque garden tableau, ready to be captured on a birthday card.
Generated with these themes: Older women, Short light hair, Gardener, and White wine drinker.
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