The scene unfolds in a whimsical, vibrant superhero-themed park where each character is caught in a humorous birthday tableau. In the center, a colossal cake shaped like Captain America's shield serves as the centerpiece. Perched atop the cake is a tiny Iron Man figure, playfully shooting streams of frosting like repulsor beams. To the left, Thor stands, laughing heartily, as he uses Mjölnir to tap a massive piñata shaped like Thanos' gauntlet, causing candy to rain down. The piñata is exploding with sweet treats in the air, spelling out "Happy Birthday Kanu" in colorful candy letters.
Nearby, Flash zips around the cake in a red blur, leaving a trail of sparkling confetti in his wake, creating a dynamic ring of color. Hulk, wearing a festive party hat that's almost comically small for his giant head, is gently holding a balloon shaped like Spiderman. This Spiderman balloon is in mid-swing, with its string webbed onto Hulk’s finger. Deadpool is photobombing from behind the cake, holding a slice of pizza in one hand and a "thumbs up" with the other, his mask contorted into a wide grin.
Black Panther is calmly seated at a table, cutting slices of cake with precision, his claws delicately holding a knife and fork. Wolverine stands next to him, playfully slicing a piece of cake with his adamantium claws, bits of frosting splattering onto the "Happy Birthday Kanu" banner strung above them in the sky, made from superhero capes of various colors.
In the background, Captain America is balancing on his shield like a skateboard, playfully dodging small fireworks set off by Tony Stark's tech. The scene is bordered by a lush park setting, with towering trees and a blue sky dotted with fluffy clouds in the shape of various comic symbols. High above, fluffy white clouds form the letters "K-A-N-U," ensuring the birthday message is clear for all to see.
Generated with these themes: Iron man, thor, flash, hulk, spiderman, deadpool, black panther, captain american, woolverine, thanos wishing Kanu happy birthday.
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