The scene unfolds in a vibrantly colored cartoon kitchen where a birthday celebration is taking place. At the center is a large, round table covered in a checkered tablecloth featuring a whimsical birthday cake shaped like a hairdryer, with icing resembling a swirl of hair. Around the cake are assorted pastries shaped like combs, scissors, and other hairdressing tools, all with smiling faces. Hanging above the table are streamers and balloons in bright, cheerful colors. To the right, a cartoon character stands in front of a stove, hilariously oversized chef's hat askew, flipping a pancake high into the air. This character is wearing an apron with the image of a mixing bowl and whisk. To the left of the scene is a coffee station with a large, exaggerated coffee machine that has cartoonish steam puffing out. A cup of black coffee sits ready with a little happy face drawn in the crema. The walls are adorned with framed pictures of funny culinary and hairdressing mishaps, and the floor is dotted with slapstick banana peels.
Generated with these themes: Black coffee, Hairdressing, and Cooking.
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