In a boundless cosmic expanse, Pikachu and Bulbasaur are embarking on an intergalactic birthday journey for Chase. They stand on an astral platform shaped like a vivid Piet Mondrian grid, with red, blue, and yellow rectangles floating in harmony. Pikachu is gleefully clutching a lightning bolt-shaped balloon, its surface shimmering with tiny galaxies. Bulbasaur, with vines extended, is playfully tossing multicolored star-shaped confetti that mimic Jackson Pollock's dynamic splatters, their vibrant hues contrasting against the deep, swirling indigos and blacks of space. A majestic rainbow, arcing from one corner of the card to the other, is painted with Rothko-esque bands of color, each hue bleeding subtly into the next, creating a celestial bridge between two distant planets. Above this lively tableau, the words "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHASE" are woven into the very fabric of the rainbow, the letters appearing as though they are made from clusters of glittering stars. In the background, abstract, Miró-inspired planets and whimsical geometric shapes orbit around, casting ethereal shadows that play across the scene, lending depth and a sense of endless possibility. The scene captures the imaginative spirit of Chase's birthday, transcending terrestrial confines to celebrate in the vastness of the universe.
Generated with these themes: Pikachu , Bulbasaur, Space, and Rainbows .
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