The scene unfolds in an otherworldly setting, a vibrant alien landscape with a colorful nebula-streaked sky providing a majestic backdrop. In the foreground, a group of Warhammer Space Marines, in their bulky power armor, are gathered around an enormous cake shaped like a starship. The cake is intricately detailed, with frosting turrets and candy jet engines, sitting atop a table made from repurposed spaceship parts. One of the marines, in a comically oversized chef's hat, is holding a colossal cake knife poised to cut the first slice. Balloons shaped like various planets hover in the air, their strings tangled with pieces of asteroid debris, adding to the festive chaos.
In the background, a banner stretches across two towering alien rock formations. The banner, made from the remains of an ancient space flag, proudly reads "Happy Birthday Felix!" in glowing, holographic letters that twinkle like stars. Beneath the banner, a small, curious alien creature, resembling a mix between a duck and a lizard, stands on its hind legs, holding a small flag with "Felix" written in interstellar symbols.
Nearby, a Space Marine with a party hat perched atop his helmet is attempting to teach a group of mischievous-looking aliens how to do the "Imperial Birthday Dance," their clumsy attempts adding a playful touch to the scene. Scattered around the ground are presents wrapped in cosmic-themed paper, with one box conspicuously bulging and shaking, hinting at a humorous surprise waiting to burst out. All elements are drawn with a style inspired by classic comic artists, blending bold outlines and playful exaggerations to bring this intergalactic birthday celebration to life.
Generated with these themes: warhammer space marines celebrating birthday.
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