The scene unfolds in a vibrant, surreal park on a beautiful sunny day. At the center is a grand, ornate picnic setup on a lush, green lawn, with a red-and-white checkered blanket laid out. On the blanket, there is a towering cake, extravagantly frosted in pastel shades of pink and blue, with delicate sugar flowers cascading down the sides. The cake is topped with an edible golden banner that reads "زهرا دوستت دارم" in elegant Persian calligraphy, glinting in the sunlight. Surrounding the picnic, cheerful balloons in shades of pink, blue, and gold float lazily, anchored by little weights. Each balloon has a letter that, when viewed from the right angle, spells out "Happy Anniversary" in playful, mismatched fonts.
Off to the side, an oversized vintage gramophone rests on a patch of wildflowers, seemingly playing a silent melody as the vinyl spins mysteriously without electricity. Just beyond the picnic area, a flock of fluffy sheep, each wearing a tiny party hat, graze peacefully. One sheep, distinct with a fluffy rainbow wool coat, holds a small sign in its mouth that humorously reads, “Thanks for sticking with me, even when I'm feeling wooly.”
Above this whimsical scene, the sky is a canvas of azure blue, with a few wispy clouds. In one of the clouds, you can faintly make out the letters of "زهرا دوستت دارم," as if written by an unseen hand, with the words slowly drifting across the sky like a hidden message just for the recipient. The card is a delightful fusion of quirky charm and heartfelt sentiment, capturing an unforgettable anniversary moment.
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